Welcome to the Philosophy 103 (Ph103) Course Page!
Course Description: This course is an introduction to
application of the lost liberal art of philosophical, or uncommon
commonsense, listening and reading for the chief aim of achieving a meeting
of understandings between a listener, or reader, and the philosopher Plato
related to the meaning of these dialogues considered: 1) as whole
conversations, and 2) in their different conversational parts. By a meeting
of understandings is meant that the reader’s understanding of what Plato
is saying in these dialogues considered as whole conversations, and as
conversational parts, will totally, or almost totally, agree with, match, what
Plato understood himself to be saying to his listening and reading audience
when he composed these works, or talked about them, in Ancient Greece in the 4th century
Educational Consultants: This course will be co-conducted by Peter A. Redpath and Kelly Fitzsimmons-Burton.
Interview with Marvin Peláez, Chief Operating Officer: (Coming soon!)
If you are interested in studying with this
Educational Consultant, select the Tuition link.